A podcast focusing on spirituality, the paranormal, spiritual awakening, spiritual enlightenment, life purpose, forgiveness, healing, and timeless wisdom. "Whether we know it or not, our souls are on a journey!" Connect with me as we go on this journey together, stay tuned. The purpose of JAMILLIAH'S THE SOUL-PATH JOURNEY PODCAST is to learn and share timeless wisdom and inspirational, spiritual content; in order to help myself and others to heal and evolve. "I am sharing my experiences, and bits of wisdom I’ve gathered along the way, with the possibility that it will provide healing, comfort, and hope to others." – Jamilliah - Please also visit JAMILLIAH'S WISDOM IS TIMELESS SHOP, my online store with divinely inspired, timeless wisdom and spiritual awakening / spiritual enlightenment themed merchandise.
Dealing With Grief? | Loss? | Death?
Episode about grieving from the death of loved ones, friends, or family members. It chronicles my spiritual gift of precognition/seeing the future, as I continue my spiritual awakening/spiritual enlightenment journey. I discuss death warning premonitions I received from spiritual downloads, dreams, visions, songs, and divine messages; regarding friends and family who later died.
1:07 - Questions About Death
1:30 - Fear Of Death
2:03 - Grieving For Loved Ones
5:21 - Complicated Relationship With The Deceased
8:06 - Stages Of Processing One's Grief
8:51 - First Time Losing A Family Member/First Death Warning Premonition
11:52 - Ultimate Bereavement From The Death Of My Mother And Grandmother
12:34 - Beliefs About Death
14:08- Death Immortalizes The Deceased | The Deceased's Legacy
16:31 - Spiritual Gift Of Precognition With Upgraded Premonitions
18:12 - Death Warning Premonitions Of Loved Ones, Family, And Friends
20:35 - I Am Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, and Claircognizant
21:33 - Following My Life's Calling | JAMILLIAH'S THE SOUL-PATH JOURNEY PODCAST
21:39 - Following My Life's Calling | JAMILLIAH'S WISDOM IS TIMELESS SHOP
21:46- What Did I Learn From These Experiences?
25:42 - Listeners, Sorry For Your Loss
26:27 - Forgiveness Mantra
26:43 - Apology Mantra
26:52 - Paying Homage To The Deceased - Destiny Prevailed!
27:49 - Updates Since Recording This Episode On May 23, 2022
"Whether we know it or not, our souls are on a journey." - Jamilliah
Connect with me as we go on this journey together, stay tuned! Also visit JAMILLIAH'S WISDOM IS TIMELESS SHOP - wisdomistimeless.com